Take the Lead Movie Poster

Take the Lead

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User rating: 4.02

Based on 1034 votes and 132 reviews.

  • User rating: 363 46.30%
  • User rating: 200 25.51%
  • User rating: 147 18.75%
  • User rating: 24 3.06%
  • User rating: 50 6.38%

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Showing 61-70 of 132 reviews

User rating: June 5, 2006

Although the movie was predictable and cheesy at times, Antonio Banderas was sexy and earnest and the dancing was breathtaking. I particularly liked the storyline with Canadian Lauren Collins and `Monster`, though I wish we could`ve seen more of those two. The final dance numbers at the competition are great, with the dance `battle` between two rival suitors and the girl they like being the most enjoyable. My verdict, while this may not be the best movie you`ll ever see, it will certainly have you considering dance lessons.

User rating: June 4, 2006

Antonio B did a great representation of the part, highly recommend.

User rating: June 3, 2006


User rating: June 3, 2006

I really enjoyed this movie. I for it very up-lifting. I found myself wanting to stand up and cheer for the kids at the end of the movie. I left with a smile on my face.

User rating: June 3, 2006

I was pleasantly surprised. It was entertaining, easy to watch, witty, and just plain cute. A story told many times before, yet the movie worked.

User rating: June 3, 2006

Loved it! I love Dante Basco!

User rating: June 3, 2006

Enjoyed the movie very much. Knowing that it`s based on a real story makes you feel more emotional about it. It was nice to see something positive for a change.

User rating: June 2, 2006

This movie was not as good as I anticipated. The dancing was good but there was not enough of Antonio Banderas dancing. Also, there were too many other stories going on when they should have concentrated more on the dance itself.

User rating: June 2, 2006

Thoroughly enjoyed this dance movie ~ only hoped there would have been more of Antonio dancing.

User rating: June 2, 2006

very insperational