Star Trek: Nemesis Movie Poster

Star Trek: Nemesis

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User rating: 4.38

Based on 16086 votes and 106 reviews.

  • User rating: 13261 82.45%
  • User rating: 183 1.14%
  • User rating: 223 1.39%
  • User rating: 278 1.73%
  • User rating: 2138 13.29%

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Showing 91-100 of 106 reviews

User rating: December 15, 2002

Excellent Movie! Possibly one of the best Star Trek Movies out to date. Well worth going to see in the theatres.

User rating: December 15, 2002

As an avid Star Trek fan from the original series I was very disappointed. I found the main villain lusterless, boring and totally unbelievable. I found the plot thin and slow. Picks up near the end but in my opinion too little, too late. And can anyone explain to me why the Enterprise would need or want a wheeled vehicle. And the biggest disappointment: Ron Pearlman. I was so excited when I learned he would be in the new Star Trek film, what a waste of a great actor! The film did manage to do one thing that may be an asset. The even number theory no longer applies. For my money it is a toss-up as to which was the best Trek film. Wrath of Kh

User rating: December 14, 2002

It was amazing, outstanding, and a some very good spots of comedie. i think i`ll be going to see the amazing action filled trekie film 6 more times.

User rating: December 14, 2002

UGH 2.5 stars as a movie, 1 star as a Star Trek movie. Any even casual TNG fan will feel like either laughing or throwing things at the way this movie rewrites history (Y`know, Picard HAD hair as a young man, we`ve seen it). Also, the villain seems even less threatening than Anakin Skywalker from Episode 2 (if such a thing is possible) and at no point in the movie do you believe he`s even a match for Picard. And the most insulting thing is how un-star-trek the whole movie is. No intelligence, no plot (the first hour is setting a mystery that most of the audience has already solved in 4 minutes and the second hour is one big fight), no

User rating: December 14, 2002


User rating: December 14, 2002

Excellent battle sequence and compelling villain. And no amount of foreshadowing can prepare a true fan of Trek (and a certain android) for the conclusion...Enjoy.

User rating: December 14, 2002

Not as good as the original cast (Shatner and Nimoy), but still very good.

User rating: December 14, 2002

Nice Sci-fi movie...If you a Star Trek fan...u must go see it... As for me, its a great movie beside the bad background music and time of movie is short 4/5

User rating: December 13, 2002

very boring and slow not much action save your money

User rating: December 13, 2002

all i can say is amazing!!