Based on 2677 votes and 50 reviews.
it rocked big time.
it i s very good
This Movie Could Never Get Old!! Its Hilarious. Ryan Is A Great Actor.. ANd Is Sooo Funny And Cute.. And Tara Is Pretty But Not Someone i would Call A great Actress.. Ive Suggested This Movie To all Of My friends.. ANd They All Have Loved It Great JOB!!
Ryan Reynolds is hilarious. i loved this movie so much. this is definitely one of my favorite movies, ever! i love Van Wilder!
OMG i luv`d this movie I watch it all the tyme its got a lot of jokes in there that r like original and thats 1 of the reasons i luv it so much!! The other reason is Ryan.... hes soooooooo hot!!!
It is an exciting movie. Was very funny with ryan in it.
i thought national lampoons van wilder RYAN REYNOLDS IS SO HOT IT IS UNBELIEVABLE. i love him ! ill go see every movie that he makes! anyways it was a GREAT movie the 1st time i saw it i was actually gonna die because my face turned so red and it felt like it was going to just....EXPLODE i was lughing so hard! write that down
i thought national lampoons van wilder was a GREAT movie the 1st time i saw it i was actually gonna die because my face turned so red and it felt like it was going to just....EXPLODE i was lughing so hard! write that down
I loved this movie! I watched it as many times as I could! Ryan Reynolds is the hottest man alive!
world class should get all the top film awards could never top this film in my eye ryan your great best fan lee darren frew p.s. alanis she`s great to