Taking place between the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, this new live-action series will follow Knuckles (voice of Idris Elba) on a hilarious and action-packed journey of self-discovery as he agrees to train Wade (Adam Pally) as his protégé and teach him the ways of the Echidna warrior.
Cast: | Idris Elba, Adam Pally, Alice Wren Tregonning, Jaimi Barbakoff, Ben Schwartz |
Director: | Brandon Trost, Carol Banker, Ged Wright |
Studio: | Paramount+ |
Producer(s): | Neal H. Moritz, Samantha Waite, Jeffrey Pinto-Lobo |
Writer(s): | John Whittington, Brian Schacter, James Madejski |