House of Frankenstein (1944) Movie Poster

House of Frankenstein (1944)

House of Frankenstein (1944)

After escaping from prison, the evil Dr. Niemann (Boris Karloff) and his hunchbacked assistant, Daniel (J. Carrol Naish), plot their revenge against those who imprisoned them. For this, they recruit the powerful Wolf Man (Lon Chaney), Frankenstein's monster (Glenn Strange) and even Dracula himself (John Carradine). Niemann pursues those who wrong him, sending each monster out to do his dirty work. But his control on the monsters is weak at best and may prove to be his downfall.
Cast: Anne Gwynne, Elena Verdugo, Charles Miller, Philip Van Zandt, Julius Tannen, Hans Herbert, Dick Dickinson, George Lynn, Michael Mark, Brandon Hurst
Director: Erle Kenton
Producer(s): Paul Malvern