The Passion Recut Movie Poster

The Passion Recut

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User rating: 4.67

Based on 816 votes and 22 reviews.

  • User rating: 740 90.80%
  • User rating: 5 0.61%
  • User rating: 5 0.61%
  • User rating: 6 0.74%
  • User rating: 59 7.24%

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Showing 11-20 of 22 reviews

User rating: March 14, 2005

you do good

User rating: March 13, 2005

Money is a big issue these days and the world today. And the truth is people of faith are scamed and they are to believe what ever they see it is to be "real". any dick and harry will try to use religion as an opportunity to make $$$$$$$$$

User rating: March 12, 2005

i love jesus

User rating: March 12, 2005

It`s not about the money because in that case he would simply create a completely different movie with more popularity and less contraversy. He believes strongly as do alot of christians that the message of Christ as pertaining to the bible needs to be seen by many as it is a message until salvation and is the ONLY HOPE that this world has in these last days.

User rating: March 12, 2005


User rating: March 11, 2005

Found the plot to be thin and the acting to be weak. I think, Mel would make a better Jesus than director.

User rating: March 11, 2005

I`m A christian and i loved the passion of the christ ! Only It had things in there that wasn`t in the bible in the first one. Mel gibson is probitly releasing it again because he is being the word and spreading the word of God Jesus soo i guess the ppl obove me don`t get it. and two the first movie he gave all the money to charity. and the only reason why you think its a rental because you do not have a passion for our lord jesus .....!!!!!!!!!! THats to some of the 2 ppl above this page. This movie was asome!!!!!*****

User rating: March 11, 2005

THe truth its all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

User rating: March 11, 2005

Why release another one? as if the first one didn`t cause enough conflict and drama to people u have to reproduce another recut one

User rating: March 11, 2005

What`s the matter Mel? Need more money so u release a recut version? save your money ppl dis is a dvd rental