Sharkwater Movie Poster


User rating: 4.22 1702 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: September 28, 2007

PG | Documentary | 1h 29m

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User rating: 4.22

Based on 2584 votes and 1702 reviews.

  • User rating: 877 72.30%
  • User rating: 113 9.32%
  • User rating: 18 1.48%
  • User rating: 23 1.90%
  • User rating: 182 15.00%

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Showing 1671-1680 of 1702 reviews

User rating: March 25, 2007

Amazing movie. This will be the easiest science project I ever do

User rating: March 25, 2007

I have travelled to over 30 countries an an avid scuba diver during the past 25 years. I have a tremondous respect and appreciation for sharks and all the oceans creatures. I`m hopeful that Rob`s vision and goal is realised through this wonderful film.

User rating: March 25, 2007

this movie had tears streaming down my face. i left the theatre a changed person. the cinematography is stunning and peaceful, and rob stewart has done well for a species that he loves so much. he taught the audience respect, shame and action. my only critique would be empowering the audience more in being part of the solution to these crimes. how does the ordinary person get involved in the campaign. he had me raring to go, but gave no destination. fabulous film. inspired.

User rating: March 25, 2007

I thought it was very thought-provoking and made you think. Why not spend more money on the ecological system as opposed to outer space projects. We should be paying more attention to our beautiful earth and it`s inhabitants (man and animals). On a visual note the movie was so "wow".

User rating: March 25, 2007

Tragic and enlightening; what a documentary should be. Easily one of the best documentaries I`ve ever seen. Actually, likely one of the best movies I`ve ever seen. If you go for nothing more than the underwater footage, you won`t be disappointed, nor will you be if it`s a social commentary movie you want. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic!!

User rating: March 24, 2007

oh my god. i was.. inspired! definitely FIVE stars. it made me want to do something, you reached out to me. im only 14 and i want to stop these disgusting acts that are endangering not just the sharks ecosystem but also our own. It was remarkable. I was speechless after watching it. It made me cry. I can't believe we have been SO.. oblivious towards this! Rob Stewart is AMAZING. No one in my family knew this was going on, and now we (or well i know I am!) to stop this! There are no words to describe what emotions i felt after watching this movie. I have always loved watching shows on animals, and when i went to florida this past march break all i could think of was " I want to swim wi

User rating: March 24, 2007

What a moving and remarkable documentary. It's scary how many people choose to look the other way to what is happening to such a vital part of our world. The world needs more people like Rob Stewart who see these creatures for the beautiful creatures they are. We protect the warm, fuzzy and cute but why does it have to be about esthetic apperance? Bravo!!

User rating: March 24, 2007

If no one gets attacked and eaten by a Great White, I will not see it. I took me a life time to fear sharks, don`t ruin their imaige by making them the victims. Jaws and Deep Blue Sea are the greatest shark movies ever. Rob Stewart just turned them into cute little puppies.

User rating: March 24, 2007

This was the best documentary I have ever seen!!! It was entertaining, and enlightening. I cannot believe that we, the general public, have been so oblivious to such disgusting practices that are endangering our ecosystem. We should be very greatful to Rob Stewart for bringing it to light! Well done :)

User rating: March 24, 2007

Truly a remarkable documentary, well written, well portrayed and stunning. Everyone on the planet should own a copy if this. Videos like this should be shown in every high school, to encourage and inform our youth. Mainstream movies should become a thing of the past in comparision to such moving footage. We should all be ashamed in how we treat our planet - Sharkwater brings that shame to light. truly the best documentary I have ever had the pleasure to view.