Hide and Seek (2005) Movie Poster

Hide and Seek (2005)

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User rating: 3.69

Based on 2121 votes and 163 reviews.

  • User rating: 1162 55.57%
  • User rating: 199 9.52%
  • User rating: 158 7.56%
  • User rating: 55 2.63%
  • User rating: 517 24.73%

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Showing 111-120 of 163 reviews

User rating: February 1, 2005

One of the best scary movies. "Charlie" and Dakota Fanning are superior in this movie. I think she is going to be one of the greatest child actors of all time.

User rating: February 1, 2005

Dakota Fanning is an exceptionally talented child. I basically figured things out nearer the end but appreciated the talent of all of the principals involved and the beautiful stark woodsy area where most of the picture was filmed. I would definitely recommend the film.Robert DeNiro was awsome, he is almost as incredible as he was in Cape Fear.

User rating: January 31, 2005

Dakota Fanning is a great actress in this movie, as in Deniro. However, if you are looking for a horror movie, you might be disappointed.

User rating: January 31, 2005

movie was not that good, way to much like secret window, very prediciable, not scary at all... no one can make a good horror movie anymore!

User rating: January 31, 2005

Hide and Seek plays like a Hitchcock thriller until the end where the movies just fizzles, it tries to hard to be a M. Night Shymalan movie

User rating: January 31, 2005

Yeah, it was good and all but there are a lot of loose ends that weren`t cleared up in the end, like what`s with the neighbors, the mean husband and the wife and their dead daughter? And the bed and TV in the basement? a little help here!

User rating: January 31, 2005

This was a great movie. It kept me on my toes the whole time. It has been done before but I still really enjoyed it. I didn`t see the ending coming but when it was all over I was disappointed in myself for not figuring it out!! That has to say something about the film. Dakota Fanning is one creepy little actress, great preformance.

User rating: January 31, 2005


User rating: January 31, 2005

I`m shocked no one could predict the ending of this movie. It was so obvious. And it doesn`t help that the "twist" is incredibly lame and doesn`t server the purpose of the movie at all (well, the movie doesn`t have much of a purpose.) I figured it out early on and made the rest of the movie tedious. It wasn`t remotely scary. Even the "shocks" were predictable (Ooooh! The cat is in the closet! Lame!) I watched Taxi Driver just before this and all I could think during Hide and Seek was "De Niro, what the heck are you doing with your career!?" Dakota Fanning acted circles around him. Sad sad sad. It`s a cheap, unsatisfying thriller.

User rating: January 31, 2005

Simply the greatest horror/thriller movies ever made in this generation or any other! You owe yourself to see it..... BRRRRRRRRRRRRROTHER!!!