An animated sitcom that centers on a hot-headed, foul-mouthed high school basketball coach named Ben Hopkins (Jake Johnson), who thinks turning his horrible team around will be his ticket to the big leagues.
Barry Hopkins (Rob Riggle), Ben’s father and a former pro athlete, frequently insults his son but still wants the best for him. Shannon (Natasha Leggero), Ben’s estranged wife, straightens up her life after leaving Ben and is focused on making her horse farm a hit.
Cast: | Jake Johnson, Ron Funches, Cleo King, Natasha Leggero, A.D. Miles, Rob Riggle, Steve Berg, Eric Edelstein, Ben Hoffman, Mary Holland, Gil Ozeri, Sam Richardson, Nick Swardson |
Studio: | Netflix |
Producer(s): | James Merrill |
Writer(s): | Ben Hoffman, Annabel Seymour, Mike Gibbons |
Official Site: | |