The Enforcer Movie Poster

The Enforcer

The Enforcer

Number three in the Dirty Harry series, The Enforcer equips macho cop Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) with a female assistant, Kate Moore (Tyne Daly). Their quarry is a terrorist organization which has kidnapped the mayor of San Francisco (John Crawford). Harry goes undercover, attempting to root out the terrorists by beating up anybody who looks at him cross-eyed. When Harry and Kate discover that the mayor is being held at Alcatraz Island, it is only a matter of time before the climactic bloodbath. The Enforcer cleared enough at the box office to warrant yet another Dirty Harry opus, Sudden Impact.
Cast: Lawrence Tolan, King Donovan, Robert Steele, Adelaide Klein, Tito Vuolo, Patricia Joiner, Susan Cabot, Mario Siletti, Alan Foster
Director: Bretaigne Windust
Producer(s): Milton Sperling