Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Movie Poster

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

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User rating: 2.92

Based on 196 votes and 52 reviews.

  • User rating: 37 40.22%
  • User rating: 6 6.52%
  • User rating: 4 4.35%
  • User rating: 3 3.26%
  • User rating: 42 45.65%

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Showing 31-40 of 52 reviews

User rating: June 30, 2008

Stein's point is Evolutionary Theory is exactly that, a theory. It is not fact. People who gave this movie bad reviews are atheists who have the self-aggrandizing belief they are "far too smart to believe in God." Yet these same people, when pressed, couldn't give you anything but a superficial, tenth grade description of Evolutionary Theory or any examples beyond "cave men." At the very least, see this movie to edify yourself and realize there is more going on in science than what you're force fed.

User rating: June 30, 2008

Ben Stein and the producers make 2 claims; that American academics are fired if they mention Intelligent Design Creationism, and that Darwin caused the Nazi Holocaust. These are both lies. Of the featured academics, only one, Guillermo Gonzales, is facing dismisal and he has failed at publications, grant funding, and none of his students have graduated. This will get you fired anywhere. The rest all have jobs. Even Gonzales has been hired at a Bible school. The Nazis had Darwin's books burned and denounced them as "liberal humanitarianism." The Nazis hated liberal humanitarians, just like today's religious-right audiance targeted by this film.

User rating: June 30, 2008

An insult to any thinking person.

User rating: June 30, 2008

Contrary to other reviews here, you don't have to be an atheist to see this is a poor excuse for a documentary (I'm a Christian). Intelligent Design isn't taken seriously by scientists because it isn't science. Stein's "Expelled" does a terrible job of convincing us that it is.

User rating: June 30, 2008

I think everyone should see this movie!

User rating: June 29, 2008

Thought provoking!

User rating: June 29, 2008

Worth seeing. It is not a biast peice like Moores and the first 1/2 he does seem a tad trite with those he is interviewing but around the middle it gets a bit heavy and then more sincerely questioning and revealling about Evolution vs. Intelligent Design vs. Freedom to Question & Present.

User rating: June 29, 2008

A must see!!

User rating: June 29, 2008

Informative and very revealing.

User rating: June 29, 2008

Well done! A must see.