Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Movie Poster

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

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User rating: 2.92

Based on 196 votes and 52 reviews.

  • User rating: 37 40.22%
  • User rating: 6 6.52%
  • User rating: 4 4.35%
  • User rating: 3 3.26%
  • User rating: 42 45.65%

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Showing 21-30 of 52 reviews

User rating: July 5, 2008

I suspect our difficulty in answering the question of intelligent design vs evolution stems from our inability to recognize evidence when we see it, chiefly because our ways of thinking have been so affected by the culture our day. If one could be free of the mental blocks of the evolutionary thinking, then they could see the intelligent design all around them. Thankyou for making such an intelligent movie!!

User rating: July 4, 2008

If a person is honest he will acknowledge that the "simple cell" is and must be the work of an Intelligent Designer. Irreducible complexity rules out Dawkins style evolution. This movie merely confirms the enmity between God and His rival. Despite the vitriol of the rival's followers, truth will win.

User rating: July 4, 2008


User rating: July 4, 2008

This movie is garbage. To equate evolution (they call it "Darwinism") with the holocaust is intellectually dishonest and, frankly, an insult to all of us; religous or not.

User rating: July 4, 2008

I have seen comments about the "Theory of Evolution" being 'just a theory'. the 'Theory of Gravity' is just a theory too, but I don't expect to see anyone falling up. In science a theory is a set of principals that can be use to predict and explain a phenomena. A good theory has a lot of data backing up. The theory of Evolution has a LOT of data backing it, it has made predictions, and evolution of living organisms ranging for moths to bacteria have been seen in the wild and labs.

User rating: July 4, 2008

And you thought Michael Moore was biased. ID is NOT science. ID is Creationism, plain and simple, and has no place in any discussion about science. It deserves attention in a philosophy class, but not in science. This movie cherry picks its data, presents data in a misleading way (no one was actually fired despite the what the movie implies), and the producers mislead many of the people interviewed for the movie.

User rating: July 3, 2008

Apparently accepting the underlying paradigm of biology is equivalent to nazism.

User rating: July 3, 2008

Calling this movie right-ist neo-conservative religious propaganda would probably be considered and undestated description.

User rating: July 1, 2008

Now who do you think would give this movie 1 star? Only those who did not understand what they saw and heard, that is who. Excellent movie, important information! Congratulations Ben, good job!!

User rating: June 30, 2008

Expelled haters can't argue against the truth, so they resort to lies and smears.