Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Movie Poster

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

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User rating: 2.92

Based on 196 votes and 52 reviews.

  • User rating: 37 40.22%
  • User rating: 6 6.52%
  • User rating: 4 4.35%
  • User rating: 3 3.26%
  • User rating: 42 45.65%

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Showing 11-20 of 52 reviews

User rating: July 18, 2008

Ever wonder why Stein et al. never consulted guys like Kenneth Miller, Francisco Ayala and many other scientists who are biblical theists yet actively expose intelligent design proponents as the frauds they are? My guess is because it would destroy the movie's stupid premise along with juvenile non-sequiturs like scientists "would rather hide with alcohol, drug, sex and money". Yes because Ph.D scientists are well recognized as godless freaky party animals. (P.S.: Money?? Anyone not living under a rock knows scientists make pennies in comparison to religious preachers/propagandists. If you want to be a millionaire, the faith and gullibility of the masses will get you there a lot faster and

User rating: July 12, 2008

Exposes Darwinists

User rating: July 12, 2008

ID discussion should not cause people to lose their jobs. We should have free speech. What are they so afraid of????????

User rating: July 11, 2008

The twits that are trashinbg this movie have bought in hook line and sinker to the mass populous of the sciernce community. They should do their own research and they would find Ben is RIGHT! Science does not want to deal with the "GOD" issue as it ruins their lives and makes them deal with all the other stuff in their lives they would rather hide with alchol, drug, sex and money. Open your mind, look again and then do your own research I challenge you all.

User rating: July 9, 2008

garbage masquerading as a movie. whatever your views are on the issue this movie does a terrible job of discrediting evolution or meriting intelligent design. DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE.

User rating: July 9, 2008

For the truth on the lies and manipulation used in this "documentary", see www.expelledexposed.com.

User rating: July 6, 2008

Perfect! He covers what creationists have known for years and he does it with excellently timed comic relief from such a frustrating topic. Hope he covers the SCIENCE ITSELF in his next movie! That's the part that the evolutionists will never address - they just pop up with a new "discovery" and disappear back into the woodwork and the later refutation of their notion as valid ends up on page 32 of some obscure publication if it is seen anywhere by the general public.

User rating: July 6, 2008

It is amazing how people have no problem callng ID scientists narrow minded,stupid and biased. My daughter saw this movie, she supports ID and wants to study evolution by the evolutionists and debate ID. I thought that this is quite funny because ID does not see a threat by studying Darwininian evolution because then its flaws are revealed. Darwinists are terrified by ID and usually resort to name calling.

User rating: July 5, 2008

creationism is stupid!!! who made god?... ME!!!!

User rating: July 5, 2008

An extremely important film. Must see by all. Save free speech. Evolution is dead.