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User rating: 3.51

Based on 1277 votes and 241 reviews.

  • User rating: 257 26.33%
  • User rating: 314 32.17%
  • User rating: 192 19.67%
  • User rating: 92 9.43%
  • User rating: 121 12.40%

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Showing 201-210 of 241 reviews

User rating: June 9, 2006

very good modernized remake.

User rating: June 9, 2006

Pretty sucky movie, REALLY predictable, with some scary parts

User rating: June 9, 2006

I always have a little thing against remake, mostly its always better the first time, but The Omen, new version wasnt so bad at all!! I like the cast, the little boy was really convincing...that kind of movies always give me the overall, I like it.

User rating: June 9, 2006

Better than I thought. Remakes usually aren`t as good as the original.

User rating: June 9, 2006

The movie was miscast with Julia Styles. Also, they copied the original exactly which is often recipe for disaster. And in this case they cooked up a loaf of garbage. They missed all that was really scary about the original and then thought special effects could make up for it.

User rating: June 9, 2006

The first was scary this one promises even more, what with the technology available

User rating: June 9, 2006

Was A great movie followed the original yet had a fresh new feel

User rating: June 9, 2006

Having never seen the original, I was going into the theatre with a clean slate. At times, it had me jumping, and for the most part, I was on the edge of my seat. The Actor playing Damien definitely had a very creepyness about him. Still, it lacked the quality to genuinely scare me. Gruesome at times, and startling at others, this movie was still only moderately scary. Good story, great idea, but lacked the fear factor. Still, I give it 4/5 Stars

User rating: June 9, 2006

The movie was good (for a remake) because of the story line (possibility of something like this happening -- if you believe in satan), acting (Schierber & Stiles were convincing) and the cinematography.

User rating: June 9, 2006

I wish they would quit making remakes of movies unless they add something new to the movie or new twist,I was totally dissappointed in this movie it didn;t even come close to the original and didn`t have anything new to say. If your thinking of going to see this movie don`t rent the original it is much better with a much better cast