Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space Movie Poster

Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space

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User rating: 4.04

Based on 80 votes and 5 reviews.

  • User rating: 54 70.13%
  • User rating: 3 3.90%
  • User rating: 3 3.90%
  • User rating: 3 3.90%
  • User rating: 14 18.18%

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Showing 1-5 of 5 reviews

User rating: October 12, 2005

This film is by far, a revolutionary piece of art with a deep message, not for the light thinker. not saying that if you dont catch on to it, you are not intelligent, its not easy to follow for most. but if you are an artist at heart, and open minded individual, this movie has potential to blow your mind, and `weird` is most definatley a word that if used to describe this movie by you, means that you dont and probably wont get it. otherwise, there is nothing else quite like it, and i would suggest watching it more than once and doing a little bit of research on the story before passing judgement on something if you dont understand it. beauti

User rating: March 5, 2005

Just because something is weird doesn`t mean it`s good. This movie is a prime example of that fact. Only 16-year-olds and people who pretend to be socially aware like this movie. Even those people don`t really like it, they just think if they say it`s provocative they will sound more intelligent. Besides being visually stunning, Tamala pretty much sucks. Do yourself a favor, watch it with the sound off and some decent music playing. It will be much better that way.

User rating: January 17, 2005

HI, I saw the preview for this movie and really wanted to go see it but missed it. I can`t find it anywhere on dvd. Does anyone know if one exists yet or when one may be released if it hasn`t yet?

User rating: July 23, 2004

Amazing, I saw this a couple of years ago in Japan and I love it. It gets a bit wierd at times but that only goes to make its ambient pop art style more appealing

User rating: June 10, 2004
