Sugar Movie Poster


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User rating: 3.65

Based on 301 votes and 23 reviews.

  • User rating: 142 51.64%
  • User rating: 41 14.91%
  • User rating: 15 5.45%
  • User rating: 8 2.91%
  • User rating: 69 25.09%

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Showing 11-20 of 23 reviews

User rating: March 1, 2005

Profoundly honest, passionate, and disturbing film. Believable characters and situations.

User rating: February 5, 2005

I thaught it was very interesting and i love all the characters, its almost as if the people watching are being invited in to this new erotic world just like cliff.

User rating: January 12, 2005

the only reason i wanted to see `sugar` was because it had brendan fehr in it...he`s such a hottie...but anywayz im from america and i don`t really like canadian movies...but after i seen this movie, i wanted to see it over and over again. and yeah, a little more nudity would have been great...especially if it were brendan`s character, butch!!!

User rating: December 13, 2004

Wonderful. You either love or hate it, I really loved it. Very moving, honest and funny, great performances by the entire ensemble. Highly recommended.

User rating: December 9, 2004

I thought the movie was a true depiction of the average young guy who is experiemnting...unaware of his true sexuality..unwilling to give himselfto the truth.Brendan Fehr`s character was brought out really well...realistic and robust performance! he deserves a commendation , acting in a role I never thought possible of him.. if there is any hero in the is surely him...The sexual innuendo ..finding true love only to lose it...are anthemic of the worldwe live in. The cold , harsh absence of the antigay slam was evident throughout the screamed for Butch`s we all..."normal" people would`ve.... a death away from t

User rating: December 7, 2004

Stunningly simple yet moving and so real, something Holywood has problems creating these days. Leaves a person kind of raw...

User rating: December 1, 2004

Needed more development. The ending felt rush.

User rating: August 23, 2004

sugar is the perfect movie for the queer population, i saw this film twis in toronto i love de story and de characters; i from mexico and i´m waiting for sugra for see again.

User rating: August 18, 2004

As a member of the festival staff for the SF screening with Frameine28, I was able to catch a couple dozen offerings from this year`s new Queer cinema. "Sugar" is on my "Top 2 List." (along with James Bolten`s lovely film "The Graffiti Artist.") Each of these films had me "missing" the lead characters for days, wanting to delve further into their lives.

User rating: July 26, 2004

The movie lacked any emotional thrust and lacked a strong narrative. Brendan Fehr`s character nose-dives too quickly without any apparent reason besides that he`s into drugs. A disappointment. A lot of potential, but unpolished.