Signs Movie Poster


User rating: 4.33 230 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: August 2, 2002

PG-13 | Drama, Thriller | 1h 46m

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User rating: 4.33

Based on 11794 votes and 230 reviews.

  • User rating: 8499 72.33%
  • User rating: 1447 12.31%
  • User rating: 219 1.86%
  • User rating: 407 3.46%
  • User rating: 1178 10.03%

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Showing 31-40 of 230 reviews

User rating: November 12, 2002

A slow-paced but thoughtful thriller, with fine acting all around. The movie takes it time developing, and requires some pondering afterwards. It`s the kind of film that will frustrate those who want immediate return for their entertainment dollar, but will reap huge rewards for those who take the time for thoughtful reflection afterward. The title says it all, as the film is rplete with types and metaphors.Ultimately a very satisfying movie that requires a little work.

User rating: November 7, 2002

i think it is grat

User rating: October 28, 2002

The only redeeming part of this movie is watching Mel Gibson playing a straight-laced former Minister. This movie tried so hard, it had the suspense but then changed it`s mind and went for the let`s-go-get-`em crap ending. Disappointing, could`ve been more but ran outta time.

User rating: October 19, 2002

I think that this movie was great the suspense was killing me when Mel was in the pantry and also when they were watching t.v. and then they showed the mexican party. it was funny when mel had a near death experience and he comes home only to find his bro (pheonix) wearing a foil cap****

User rating: October 14, 2002

I was surprised, it was such a great movie. Never have I heard so many people scream so many times in a movie theatre.

User rating: October 11, 2002

An awesome movie! It scared the crap out of me, lol. A great thiller with a pretty good plot line. I would definately recommend seeing this movie!

User rating: October 6, 2002

I saw this at a drive-in at 12:00am. It was an o.k movie, not the best i`ve seen from Mel Gibson. They should have added A LOT more to the main storyline. That would have made it better.

User rating: October 4, 2002


User rating: September 29, 2002

Incredible suspense. It also makes you think twice about your views toward religion and the after life. However the ending was a bit silly. Interesting to watch none the less!

User rating: September 24, 2002

good movie eh