Bewitched Movie Poster


User rating: 3.87 90 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: June 24, 2005

PG-13 | Comedy | 1h 38m

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User rating: 3.87

Based on 966 votes and 90 reviews.

  • User rating: 578 59.96%
  • User rating: 92 9.54%
  • User rating: 68 7.05%
  • User rating: 39 4.05%
  • User rating: 187 19.40%

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Showing 11-20 of 90 reviews

User rating: August 26, 2005

Entertaining but not a movie you`d see twice. Was actually expecting a remake of the original Bewitched - which this movie wasn`t. But I kinda liked the plot twist anyway. Nicole Kidman was OK - very Meg Ryan-esque in this movie. Will Ferrell overacts and was really irritating. Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine had fun roles and should have been used much more in the movie. 3 out of 5.

User rating: August 16, 2005


User rating: August 14, 2005

it was an ok movie 3/5 stars maybe. the trailer made it look really funny but they put all the funny parts in the trailer and the rest was really dumb. the good thing is i didn`t have to pay for the movie. i really like nicole kidman and will ferrell but in the end i don`t think the movie deserved them. michael caine did well.

User rating: August 12, 2005

pretty good...i really liked it actually...yea id say it was worth my money...go see it, thank you, nick p

User rating: August 6, 2005

it was really funny in parts but still very cheesy

User rating: August 1, 2005

Aside from 1 or 2 funny parts, I found this movie to be slow, boring, and predictable. I really can`t comprehend why Ferrell isn`t working at a Burger King.

User rating: July 31, 2005

I reall liked Bewitched! I thought it was a great comedy and i really enjoyed it!

User rating: July 30, 2005

I really enjoyed it, to tell you the Truth! I just read a critics view of it and it was very negative. I see what he means, but all in all the whole plot thing was well put together. I have 2 complaints: one - Will Farrell`s charactor was Way Over Done in the way that he seemed TOO hilarious(it seemed that there was a despiration there to make him Funny and thats great, but I was getting literally Tired of trying to laugh everytime he was trying to be funny). I agree he was pretty funny, but it didn`t need to be done overboard! Two - the thing about putting a woman aside or she was brushed aside and discounted was a Big fault of this movie!!

User rating: July 28, 2005

will ferrell was boring... kidman was beautiful, but were they in the same movie? they didn`t play well together...

User rating: July 25, 2005

very very very very very good ... hilarious !!!!!