An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power Movie Poster

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

User rating: 2.49 65 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: July 28, 2017

On DVD/Blu-ray: October 24, 2017

PG | Documentary | 1h 38m

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User rating: 2.49

Based on 164 votes and 65 reviews.

  • User rating: 52 33.33%
  • User rating: 4 2.56%
  • User rating: 4 2.56%
  • User rating: 4 2.56%
  • User rating: 92 58.97%

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Showing 21-30 of 65 reviews

User rating: September 3, 2017

Same tired ravings from a delusional mind. So none of his dire predictions came even remotely close to happening since the last movie, but he has the audacity of make a sequel? These people most definitely do not have any shame. I read something about Al Gore: The energy needed to heat the pool in ONE of his five houses uses up about 5x as much energy as the average person uses all year. That should tell you all you need to know about Al Gore and his concern for the planet.

User rating: September 1, 2017

pure, unadulterated fraud. He'll probably get another academy award.

User rating: August 30, 2017

Unscientific gobbledygook. We should have been under water a few years ago according to Gore.

User rating: August 29, 2017

A lot of mindless stupidity packed into one movie. I'm surprised Al "we only have 10 years" Gore has the 'nads to try and pull the wool over his flock's eyes one more time.

User rating: August 26, 2017

See "An Inconvenient Truth" - released @ 2006', and then see "An Inconvenient Sequel" and then see for yourselves what world's greatest climate scientists have been saying for years. Start with reading the cover feature article "The Doomed Earth Catalog" by David Wallace-Wells in New York Magazine, July 10-23, 2017. Then try to recall this: Where were you at 400 ppm?

User rating: August 24, 2017

The usual left wing trolls will call anyone questioning the bad science and then run away, but when was the last time you actually saw a science debate where a climate alarmist debated anyone? Is that not the basis of science? argue, debate, analyze until all the questions are answered and the only thing remaining is the truth. If Gore would debate a Dr. Tim Ball, or a Dr. Judith Curry, or even a statistician who understands charts, I might give him leeway, but the man is a huckster, pure and simple. As a school teacher, I do not recommend this movie. It is dollop for the simple minded and not good for children. Critical skills are not enhanced by being told to believe lies. That's called religion.

User rating: August 24, 2017


User rating: August 24, 2017

How many homes does Mr. Gore. His Montecito homes is $9B and 10,000 sqft. Or Dr. Suzuki? Suzuki has 4 homes in Canada alone. One piece of property that he co-owns with an oil company. This whole climate change thing is a hoax. Yes, taking care of your planet is important. But don't listen to these tools.

User rating: August 24, 2017

excellent follow up from his previous documentary.

User rating: August 23, 2017

Go see it unless you like bs from alt right fake media or are a moron who thinks he knows more than the scientist. Drill baby drill, burn baby burn.