Going Places (Les Valseuses) Movie Poster

Going Places (Les Valseuses)

Going Places (Les Valseuses)

Director Bertrand Blier's Les Valseuses features Gerard Depardieu and Patrick Dewaere as a pair of sociopaths wending their way across France. Though Depardieu is the more dominant of the two, both men are equally culpable in their disregard for common decency. They are particularly rough on women, even the like-minded Miou-Miou, whom they both love in their own way. Jeanne Moreau has a brief bit as an ex-convict who sleeps with both Depardieu and Dewaere.

Cast: Isabelle Huppert, Jeanne Moreau, Miou-Miou , Gérard Depardieu, Brigitte Fossey, Patrick Dewaere, Jacques Chailieux, Michel Peurilon, Christiane Muller
Director: Bertrand Blier
Producer(s): Paul Claudon
Writer(s): Bertrand Blier, Philippe Dumarçay