Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Movie Poster

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul

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In Theaters: October 31, 1974

Drama, Romance | 1h 34m

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul

Rainer Werner Fassbinder not only directed Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Angst essen Seele auf), but also scripted the film, designed the sets, and produced. Brigitte Mira heads the cast as a lonely German cleaning woman, who enters into an affair with equally lonely--and much, much younger--Moroccan mechanic El Hedi Ben Salem. They marry, despite the shocked, bigoted reactions of those around them. This thinly disguised remake of Douglas Sirk's All That Heaven Allows (cult favorite Sirk was one of Fassbinder's personal heroes) won the international critic's prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
Cast: Barbara Valentin, Brigitte Mira, Marquard Bohm, Irm Hermann, Karl Scheydt
Director: Rainer Fassbinder