2/23: 2019 Best Picture Showcase 24-Hour Marathon Movie Poster

2/23: 2019 Best Picture Showcase 24-Hour Marathon

2/23: 2019 Best Picture Showcase 24-Hour Marathon

Take on the 24-hour marathon (at select locations only) when you see this year's Best Picture's nominees back-to-back and on the big screen on Saturday, February 23: 10:00am THE FAVOURITE (R), 12:20pm BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (PG-13), 2:55pm BLACK PANTHER (PG-13), 6:00pm GREEN BOOK (PG-13), 8:30pm VICE (R), 11:00pm A STAR IS BORN (R) and 1:30am BLACKKLANSMAN (R). Best Picture Showcase features nominated films that played at AMC during their theatrical run.