T-Rex: Back To The Cretaceous In IMAX 3D Movie Poster

T-Rex: Back To The Cretaceous In IMAX 3D

T-Rex: Back To The Cretaceous In IMAX 3D

An IMAX 3-D film which follows the adventures of 16 year old Alley Hyden.

After touching a rare fossil, Alley is magically transported back 65 million years into the Cretaceous period where she finds a valley full of dinosaurs.
Cast: Peter Horton, Liz Stauber, Kari Coleman, Laurie Murdoch, Tuck Milligan
Director: Brett Leonard
Studio: IMAX
Producer(s): Antoine Compin, Charis Horton
Official Site: www.imax.com/t-rex/main2.html