The Bridge (2006) Movie Poster

The Bridge (2006)

The Bridge (2006)

As a visual and intuitive journey into one of life’s gravest taboos, this "serious, wrenching and oddly poetic documentary" (New York Post) explores one of the most beautiful - and suicidal - destinations in the world: the Golden Gate Bridge. Director Eric Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours in 2004 from two separate locations, recording most of the two dozen suicides that occurred in that year (and preventing several others). Also recorded were frank, heart-wrenching, and deeply personal interviews with the friends and families of those who attempted suicide, and with witnesses who just happened to be walking, biking, driving across the bridge, or boating underneath it at the same time. THE BRIDGE offers glimpses into the darkest and possibly most impenetrable corners of the human mind, delving into many themes and raising many questions about suicide, mental illness, civic responsibility, as well as the filmmaker’s relationship to his fraught and complicated material.