Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones Movie Poster

Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones

Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones

In the mid '60s, Brian Jones emerged as 'the face' and poster boy of the Bohemian Swingin' London scene, topping the charts with The Rolling Stones and dating model/actress Anita Palllenberg.However, his excessive lifestyle and his reputation as 'the original bad boy of Rock & Roll' was to cost him dearly. As the scene descended into the acid ridden year of 1967 so did Brian. Targeted by the authorities and media, he spiralled out of control losing both Anita and the respect of the Stones. Two years later, Brian was found at the bottom of his swimming pool, the verdict: death by misadventure.During the last 50 years many theories have emerged, claiming that Brian was murdered and that it was covered up at high level, as this film discovers - the evidence for this is extremely compelling.
Director: Danny Garcia
Producer(s): Patrice Mack, Nick Reynolds