Roger Toupin, Épicier variété Movie Poster

Roger Toupin, Épicier variété

Roger Toupin, Épicier variété

In the heart of Plateau Mont-Royal, passersby barely notice Roger Toupin's small gorcery store. With its dusty shelves, the place ssems stuck in time, looking more like a local social club than a place of business with its regulars and few true clients. The owner lives in a small appartment atop the store, sharing the living space with his ill and confused mother. Deeply attached to this place where he spent most of his life, Roger Toupin dreads the day his mother will have to be placed in a home and his business, which brings him only meager profits, sold. After a neighbor leaves for the suburbs and his mother goes to a home for the elderly, the grocer has no choice but to close up shop and movie himself.
Director: Benoît Pilon