Behzat C. Ankara Yaniyor Movie Poster

Behzat C. Ankara Yaniyor

Behzat C. Ankara Yaniyor

"Behzat Ç.", one of the most popular TV series of all time that made its final after three seasons; meets the audience again after the first film "Behzat Ç.: Seni Kalbime Gömdüm". While Behzat is getting along with his life as a football trainer, Himmet is assigned as the chief of Department Of Homicide. When the Minister of Internal Affairs gets killed, Himmet wants to use this as a step for his career and turns the case into a anti-terrorism campaign. Before the assassination, Department of Homicide unit was working on the murders of a market owner called Hakki and someone called Hans working in German consulate. The German government sends Ms. Ulrike for the investigation. Since Himmet does not give the necessary attention to these cases, Tahsin invites Behzat back to the unit to investigate.