Thank You For Smoking Movie Poster

Thank You For Smoking

User rating: 3.96 76 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: March 17, 2006

R | Comedy, Drama | 1h 32m

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User rating: 3.96

Based on 764 votes and 76 reviews.

  • User rating: 182 36.11%
  • User rating: 212 42.06%
  • User rating: 57 11.31%
  • User rating: 14 2.78%
  • User rating: 39 7.74%

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Showing 1-10 of 76 reviews

User rating: June 9, 2010

I finally got around to seeing this movie and thought it was fantastic. It's one of the smartest, funniest movies I've seen in years.

User rating: November 17, 2006

A terrific film with a great cast and a great script,

User rating: October 17, 2006

Political satire about the American Lobbyist/Big Corp/ vs Government/media control of the American population. The MOD squad (Messangers Of Death) lunch meetings are funny and the alternate ending makes the movie controversial. Gets ****`s.

User rating: October 3, 2006

Extremely well done, smart, slick and crafty...Oh, did I mention the amazing cast. I hope it does well.

User rating: September 21, 2006

So funny, in the fact that the main character`s thinking is so illogical... like a moral story gone wrong.

User rating: September 20, 2006

I watched this movie on the plane. If I had a choice, I would have swiched it off- but I had to sit through the whole movie- nothing else to do. I expected it to come out with a stronger message, but was very disappointed.

User rating: September 6, 2006


User rating: August 31, 2006

A movie about smoking? What`s next?

User rating: August 28, 2006

It was a pretty good movie, well acted. I enjoyed the story plot it was original and the movie also makes you think how people are manipulated into doing things.

User rating: August 11, 2006

Thank You For Smoking was a great movie for the $4.75 that I paid. Today was the last day for it at the cheap theatre, so my BF and I decided to watch it as we`ve heard rave reviews from friends. I good rental and purchase(when it`s cheaper).