Her Movie Poster


User rating: 3.91 227 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 18, 2013

R | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2h 6m

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User rating: 3.91

Based on 480 votes and 227 reviews.

  • User rating: 140 29.54%
  • User rating: 224 47.26%
  • User rating: 62 13.08%
  • User rating: 24 5.06%
  • User rating: 24 5.06%

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Showing 1-10 of 227 reviews

User rating: January 12, 2024

Really good movie about a loser-type who falls in love with his computer. Would make an interesting double feature with ELECTRIC DREAMS. Joaquin Phoenix wears a moustache so you can't see his hairlip. Check this one out.

User rating: April 6, 2015

I loved it. A bit odd but fun and original.

User rating: June 4, 2014

clever movie - scary how technology makes us less social, despite what we think.

User rating: May 30, 2014

awesome movie that may be more like real life than we think. All this social media just makes us feel more alone.

User rating: April 19, 2014

I went to see this because J. Phoenix was nominated for Golden Globe and Oscar, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I totally saw the character and not him at all. Loved how "the future' was so-o-o-o prosperous and banal... people had nothing better to do than pursue their dumb-ass graduate school dissertations. Now I think it should win some science fiction awards too. Or maybe just some near-future fiction awards. If you like plot and character this is the movie to see. An oasis of a film in the middle of the comic-book wasteland that is the movie industry.

User rating: April 19, 2014

Wonderful film for "adults" (and anyone else who questions where all our mediated technology is taking us). Was I the ONLY one who felt REALLY uncomfortable when all the people chose to interact with their "OS" rather than the other people around them? Also loved the political correctness of the HER-pad being accepted by the other couple on a double date. Also, a major cultural metaphor for why relationships change...people just evolve in different directions and no longer meet each other's needs....WOW! When was the last time you saw THAT in a movie. I went to see this because J. Phoenix was nominated for Golden Globe and Oscar, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I totally sa

User rating: March 2, 2014

Please Mr. Pheonix...play villians like in the Gladiator...you were and are a natural. What's with these movies?? Get back to your roots my man....you were also great as Johnny Cash. Selective roles.

User rating: February 24, 2014

I fell asleep during the entire movie.

User rating: February 10, 2014

I really love moves set in the future. This was a really good movie and showed a realistic portrayal of what our future may someday look like

User rating: February 9, 2014

Great acting & great movie