Elizabethtown Movie Poster


User rating: 3.6 61 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: October 14, 2005

PG-13 | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2h 2m

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User rating: 3.6

Based on 1486 votes and 61 reviews.

  • User rating: 266 51.15%
  • User rating: 64 12.31%
  • User rating: 34 6.54%
  • User rating: 26 5.00%
  • User rating: 130 25.00%

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Showing 41-50 of 61 reviews

User rating: October 20, 2005

it was a copy cat of garden state, what more can i say. graden state was so much better!

User rating: October 20, 2005

very dissappointing, I was really looking forward to a nice chick flick love story and this was just plain stupid, please don`t waste your time.

User rating: October 19, 2005

very boring...too long...drawn out...no connection between anything that is happening...do not recommend it at all!

User rating: October 16, 2005

Drawn-out and choppy .... quite disappointing!

User rating: October 16, 2005

This is a very disjointed movie with no focus, like they just threw in everything they could think of to try to wring some emotion from the audience, but in the end nothing was connected. Unless you`re about 15 and ga-ga over Orlando, don`t bother!

User rating: October 16, 2005

I didn`t even stay to see the end of this movie. What happened to Cameron Crowe? It seemed like he put more thought into the soundtrack than the script. No character development, nothing really happening, and just overall a total and complete waste of time. I wish I could get my money back, but I can`t- so hopefully I can convince some people thinking of seeing this film to save their`s. Believe me, don`t waste your time.

User rating: October 16, 2005

this movie was such a waiste of time,there was some funny parts in it...but i wouldn`t even recomend renting it...

User rating: October 16, 2005

Go and be entertained! It`s full of emotions and laughter. I smilled all the way home.

User rating: October 16, 2005

sooooo good best i have ever seen orlando act in a movie and sooo hot but anyway he was grate she was grate it was all around a good movie so yah you shood go see it i have nothing to say thats bad about it it was awsome funny sad happy and romantic goooooooooooo see it now it`s soooo good.

User rating: October 15, 2005

people won`t believe how nice the people of kentucky are or how pretty the land is