The first animated series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will feature stories that present alternate realities in the Marvel Universe.
Time is a prism of endless possibility in this animated series that explores alternate realities in the Marvel Universe — realities that materialize if the smallest things happen differently, including the explosion that changed Tony Stark's life and the lead-up to the alien invasion in Avengers.
In this multiversal entry, the franchise embarks on another time escapade to show the different relationships, conflicts, and endings for some of Marvel's most beloved characters. Under the observation of the Watcher (Jeffrey Wright), who guides but does not interfere, each character vies for success in a series that poses the ultimate question of what if.
Cast: | Jeffrey Wright, Hayley Atwell, Josh Brolin, Michael Douglas, Karen Gillan, Jeff Goldblum, Sean Gunn, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Djimon Hounsou, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Michael Rooker, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Taika Waititi |
Studio: | Disney+ |
Producer(s): | Kevin Feige |
Writer(s): | Ashley Bradley |