THEM is a limited anthology series that explores terror in America. The first season, 1950s-set COVENANT centers around a Black family who move from North Carolina to an all-white Los Angeles neighborhood during the period known as The Great Migration. The family’s idyllic home becomes ground zero where malevolent forces, next door and otherworldly, threaten to taunt, ravage and destroy them.
Cast: | Deborah Ayorinde, Ashley Thomas, Shahadi Wright Joseph, Melody Hurd, Ryan Kwanten, Christopher Heyerdahl, Alison Pill, Abbie Cobb |
Director: | Daniel Stamm, Ti West, Craig William Macneill, Janicza Bravo, Nelson Cragg |
Studio: | Amazon Studios |
Writer(s): | Little Marvin, Dominic Orlando, Francine Volpe, Christina Ham, David Matthews, Seth Zvi Rosenfeld |