View From the Bridge: Stories from Kosovo Movie Poster

View From the Bridge: Stories from Kosovo

View From the Bridge: Stories from Kosovo

Despite its status as one of the most tempestuous global hotbeds of racial, ethnic and sociocultural conflict, Kosovo is hardly a familiar topic for most Americans. A province of Serbia located in the Balkans of Eastern Europe, Kosovo bears witness to violent ongoing disputes between the Christians, Muslims and Gypsies who inhabit it - some pro-American, others vitriolically anti-American, and still others suffering from heavy doses of lead poisoning that will ultimately prove fatal. Complicating this admixture are the tales of dislocation, familial estrangement and personal devastation scattered across this land. The documentary View From The Bridge: Stories from Kosovo takes a headfirst plunge into this region, and studies it as a microcosm, illustrative of the broader racial and theological conflicts that continue to rip the Middle East apart.