The Orchid Seller (El Vendedor de Orquídeas) Movie Poster

The Orchid Seller (El Vendedor de Orquídeas)

The Orchid Seller (El Vendedor de Orquídeas)

Oswaldo Vigas, a renowned Venezuelan painter, returns, in his eighties, to the towns where he was raised, searching for a painting that was lost during his teenage years. If he finds it, he and his wife, Jeannine, will be able to complete an exhibition about the early stages of his career. This search becomes more than an opportunity to revisit the early influences on his art. During this exploration, he is confronted with a chapter of his youth that marked him for the rest of his life and defined him as a human being and as a creator. The search for the lost painting, El vendedor de orquídeas (The orchids seller),allows us to discover the human side of one of the most influential artists of Latin America.