Cavanna, jusqu'à l'ultime seconde, j'écrirai Movie Poster

Cavanna, jusqu'à l'ultime seconde, j'écrirai

Cavanna, jusqu'à l'ultime seconde, j'écrirai

François Cavanna laid the foundation for satirical press in France. Co-founder with Professor Choron (real name Georges Bernier) of the magazines Hara-Kiri (1960) and Charlie Hebdo (1970), he was also the author of several autobiographical novels, including Les wops, The Russkofs and Honeymoon.

Shortly before his murder in January 2014, Cavanna had granted director and journalist Denis Robert a series of interviews, in which he talked about his childhood and youth, as well as the highlights of his career, notably marked by numerous scandalous front pages. Cavanna also talked about his fight against Parkinson's disease.

Director: Nina Robert, Denis Robert
Producer(s): Bertrand Faivre, Denis Robert, Nina Robert
Writer(s): Denis Robert, Nina Robert